collection of tops of zero-proof non-alcohol cocktails

Easy Non-Alcoholic Cocktails & Drinks For Every Occasion

The trusted source for the sober curious, Coy Cordials provides easy and tasty non-alcoholic cocktails and drinks for all occasions. Whether you want a drink to enjoy at home with loved ones or to bring to a party, we have you covered. If you're choosing not to drink alcohol for one night or long term, or if you're curious about alcohol-free options, we offer a variety for you to choose from. Let us assist you in finding the ideal drink to suit your taste.

Sarah Plahn Sarah Plahn

Beat the Heat: Amazon's 6 Trendiest Non-Alcoholic Summer Sips

Celebrate Mother's Day with a gift that promotes well-being - non-alcoholic cocktails and mocktails. More and more mothers are embracing the NoLo and sober curious lifestyles for their own health and as healthy role models for their children. The demand for zero- and low-alcohol beverages ("NoLos") has skyrocketed in recent years, providing a unique and mindful alternative to traditional alcoholic drinks - making for great Mother’s Day gift and experiences.

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Sarah Plahn Sarah Plahn

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for the Modern, Alcohol-Free Mom

Celebrate Mother's Day with a gift that promotes well-being - non-alcoholic cocktails and mocktails. More and more mothers are embracing the NoLo and sober curious lifestyles for their own health and as healthy role models for their children. The demand for zero- and low-alcohol beverages ("NoLos") has skyrocketed in recent years, providing a unique and mindful alternative to traditional alcoholic drinks - making for great Mother’s Day gift and experiences.

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Sarah Plahn Sarah Plahn

The 5 Best Books to Support Your "Drink Less" Goals This Year

If you're interested in reducing your alcohol consumption or exploring a sober-curious lifestyle, there are various helpful resources available. Five current books can assist you in achieving your objectives, offering a range of perspectives and approaches to support your goals. Whether you aim for complete sobriety or moderation, these resources provide valuable insights, practical strategies, and the motivation to embark on a path of self-discovery and personal development.

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Sarah Plahn Sarah Plahn

Sober Spring: 6 Drinks to Help You Conquer the Challenge

Ditch the drinks and discover joy - unleash your best spring with the Sober Spring challenge. Spring is the perfect time to try something new. It means giving up alcohol for or during the season, which can help you reset, recharge, and experience the season with a clear mind. With the right non-alcoholic drinks on hand you can enjoy the numerous benefits for your physical and mental well-being, plus the chance to try out new things and spring forward.

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Sarah Plahn Sarah Plahn

7 Tips to Host a Mushroom-Themed Cocktail Party

Host a mushroom-infused drink party to share your love for adaptogenic beverages. Mushroom-infused drinks are the biggest trend in functional beverages, offering both taste and potential health benefits. With adaptogens that help our bodies adapt to stress, mushrooms are becoming increasingly popular for their adaptogenic potential. To make your fun-gi party a recipe for success, keep in mind these seven tips.

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Sarah Plahn Sarah Plahn

Sober Joy: Can Going Booze-free for a Month Make You Happier?

More people are becoming "sober curious" and think that non-drinkers may lead happier lives. Challenges like "Dry January" have shown potential to improve well-being and contribute to increased happiness. See the outcomes and the research to suggest that abstaining from alcohol for a month or longer can have positive impacts on several factors, including well-being and happiness.

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Sarah Plahn Sarah Plahn

Sober Curiosity: Fun Challenges & Mindful Drinking

Ready to toast to a healthier you? The growing trend of mindful drinking has given rise to a myriad of sober challenges designed to promote moderation and well-being. Embrace sober challenges that encourage mindful imbibing without sacrificing the joy of socializing. Whether you want a spirited challenge or simply to be part of the “drink less alcohol” movement, there are opportunities all year to get on board and embark upon a vibrant, booze-free lifestyle.

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Sarah Plahn Sarah Plahn

Fungi Fiesta: The Non-Alcoholic Mushroom Cocktail Buzz

This trend of adding mushrooms to beverages has become increasingly popular in recent years, providing a refreshing and nourishing alternative to traditional alcoholic drinks. But what is this fascinating world of non-alcoholic mushroom cocktails? We are here to explain just why mushroom-infused cocktails are becoming the preferred choice for those who seek both taste and well-being, with a little fun(gi) added.

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Sarah Plahn Sarah Plahn

Game Day Must-Have: Alcohol Free Cocktails

Hosting for the Super Bowl? Don't let alcohol get in the way of your guests' fun. Impress them with delicious mocktails and non-alcoholic cocktails. Have a selection of NoLo drinks on hand for those who don't drink. Offer a range of drinks like beer, wine, cocktails, and mocktails, and get creative by incorporating your team colors or food elements. Check out non-alcoholic cocktail party packs for easy options. Be the winner of the game day with the most impressive lineup of drinks.

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Sarah Plahn Sarah Plahn

Still vs Sparkling: Nonalcoholic Drinks with Health Benefits

You’re at a nice restaurant and asked the simple question: would you prefer flat or sparkling water? Similarly, nonalcoholic drinks can be either flat - aka still - or sparkling. Both types of drinks can hydrate and nourish the body, but they may affect taste and digestion differently. Whether you prefer still drinks because they are easier to drink and digest, or find the effervescence of sparkling to be more refreshing and stimulating, there are functional options for each. Learn more about which still and sparkling drinks include adaptogens to improve health beyond simply cutting back on alcohol.

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Sarah Plahn Sarah Plahn

10 Non-Alcoholic Drinks That Are Perfect Gifts for Valentine’s Day

Whether your valentine is a friend, a family member, or a significant other, Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate how much you care for people. And for those you love, celebrating doesn’t have to involve alcohol. Maybe your valentine is training, parenting, sober curious, or simply health-conscious and eager to try new trends - regardless, non-alcoholic drinks are perfect for gifting. Rather than flowers, candy, or alcohol this Valentine’s Day, surprise your friends and loved ones with a decadent gift they’ll remember you for, and be excited to try. With beautiful packaging and innovative flavor sensations, here are our top ten, on-theme, non-alcoholic drinks that make the perfect gift for all your valentines this Valentine’s Day.

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Sarah Plahn Sarah Plahn

6 Simple Ways to Drink Less Alcohol in 2024

Let’s face it - alcohol is expensive, can have negative effects on the body and the brain, and can become a crutch that people no longer want. There are many ways to drink less, break out of their comfort zone, cope with stress in healthier ways, and discover new aspects of themselves. It could start as a way to test one’s willpower, discipline, and self-control, yet prove to be so much more. If you have a desire to drink less this year - here are six simple (yet not always easy!) methods to employ to drink less alcohol.

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Sarah Plahn Sarah Plahn

The Buzz on Adaptogens: How To De-Stress Without Alcohol

As you look to replace alcohol with healthier alternatives you are likely asking yourself just how adaptogenic drinks compare with the buzz of alcohol – and where does that buzz come from? Sounds too good to be true, right? Replace your cocktails with adaptogens and the benefits are plentiful. As for the buzz - it will certainly depend on your personal definition of buzz, but find out what adaptogens are, how they work, and how they provide that buzz some people are looking for.

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Sarah Plahn Sarah Plahn

Adaptogenic Drinks: The New Way to Boost Your Health

Are you looking for a natural and effective way to enhance your well-being? It seems everyone these days is trying to find the fountain of youth and the magic bullet for optimal health. While a one-time cure-all might be hard to come by, there is a proven option that can be a simple addition to your daily or nightly routine - a drink. Better yet, replace one alcoholic drink with an adaptogenic drink and you’ll be astonished with the results. Find out more about what are adaptogenic drinks and their wide range of benefits. Plus, how to make your own and when to expect results from adding adaptogenic drinks to your daily routine.

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Sarah Plahn Sarah Plahn

Take Your Drink Anywhere: The Rise of Non-Alcoholic Cocktails in a Can

If you love the taste and experience of cocktails, but not the alcohol, you're not alone. More and more people are choosing to drink less or abstain from alcohol altogether, for various reasons such as health, wellness, religion, or personal preference. But that doesn't mean they have to miss out on the fun and flavor of cocktails. Thanks to the rapidly growing non-alcoholic beverage industry, there are now plenty of options for non-alcoholic and alcohol-free, ready-made cocktails, also known as cocktails-on-the-go. This is what makes them so great.

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Sarah Plahn Sarah Plahn

Uncork the Festive Spirit: Why NoLo Drinks are Trending at Holiday Parties

The festive season is upon us, and with it comes the anticipation of gatherings, laughter, and of course, holiday cheer. Traditionally, alcoholic beverages have been a staple at holiday parties, serving as a social lubricant and a way to unwind and celebrate. However, in recent years, a notable shift has emerged – the rise of alcohol-free and NoLo (no and low alcohol) drinks at holiday celebrations. With people now looking for healthier and safer drink options to enjoy their holiday parties, be a good host, and be sure to have a variety of options available. Find out why NoLo is trending, and how to incorporate non-alcoholic party options like a pro this holiday season.

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Sarah Plahn Sarah Plahn

The Ultimate Guide to Party Host Gifts That Aren’t Wine

Times they are a changin’, and so is the boring and common afterthought of just grabbing a bottle of wine to bring as a host gift to a party. Be original and inclusive! Bring something fun that everyone will be excited to learn about and that your hosts will actually be eager to try - regardless of their relationship with alcohol. With so many great non-alcoholic drink options out there - and such a great assortment of decorative bottles and celebrities making investments in non alcoholic drinks - it’s a fun, unique and thoughtful gift. Plus it’s a great conversation starter and shows your consideration around how much thought you put into your gift. Not sure where to start? We boiled it down to some of our favorites.

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Sarah Plahn Sarah Plahn

The Surprising Reasons Why Wine is a Bad Host Gift

You’ve been invited to a dinner party at your friend’s house. You want to show your appreciation and gratitude for their hospitality. You think, “What should I bring as a gift for them?” The first thing that comes to your mind is a bottle of wine. After all, wine is a classic and elegant choice, right? Wrong. Wine may seem like a safe and easy option, but it is not actually a great gift to bring to your hosts. Here’s how wine became such a widespread and accepted host gift in the past and why it’s now outdated.

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Sarah Plahn Sarah Plahn

Adaptogenic Mushroom Drinks: The Magic of Fungi Cocktails

In the realm of functional beverages, adaptogenic mushroom drinks reign supreme. These enchanting concoctions blend the ancient wisdom of herbalism with the captivating allure of fungi, resulting in elixirs that not only tantalize the taste buds but also bestow a multitude of benefits upon the mind, body, and soul. From the “king of mushrooms” to the “mushroom of immortality,” many prized mushroom varieties are revered for their adaptogenic properties that seem almost magic. If you are looking for a way to boost your health and wellness, you too might want to try adaptogenic drinks with mushrooms. Find out the most popular mushrooms with adaptogenic properties and their drinkable benefits.

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Sarah Plahn Sarah Plahn

Alcohol Free Cocktails: Top Zero Proof Spirits Brands

If you are looking for a way to enjoy a delicious drink without the alcohol, you are not alone. More and more people are choosing to go alcohol-free, whether for health reasons, personal preferences, or social occasions. Recent research shows the global non-alcoholic beverage market size is expected to reach nearly $1.2 billion by 2030. The choices are abundant, with plenty of options for different tastes and occasions. Whether you are sober curious, abstaining for a reason, or just want to see what the fuss is all about, you might want to give an alcohol free spirit a go. Here are the benefits and top zero proof spirits brands if you want a tried and true option.

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Drink Not Drunk