7 Tips for Sober October Success

You’ve heard of Sober October and you’re up for the challenge. Sober October is a challenge, but it is also an opportunity to improve your health and well-being. You may notice that when you're not drinking, you may have more free time on your hands. It's important to have a plan for how you're going to spend this time. This will help you avoid boredom and make it less likely that you'll turn to alcohol. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success.

Sober October: 7 Tips to Conquer the Challenge

  1. Tell your friends and family about your challenge: This is important as it will help you stay accountable to your goal of not drinking alcohol for the month. Letting them know what it is and what you are trying to accomplish will help you gain support from the people you love and reduce the number of questions you may get.

  2. Ask friends or family to join you: Raise awareness about Sober October and more people than you think may be willing to participate right along with you. Making it a competition can be a fun way to finish the month strong.

  3. Find alternative activities: When you're feeling tempted to drink, have a plan for what you're going to do instead. This could include going for a walk, to the gym, reading a book, or spending time with friends and family.

  4. Plan ahead: If abstaining from alcohol proves difficult for you, avoid social situations where alcohol will be present. It’s always best to have a plan in advance for how to deal with situations where alcohol is served - for example, be prepared how to answer the question “why aren’t you drinking?” as for some people that’s commonly asked.

  5. Find healthy ways to cope with stress: If you turned to alcohol as a way to relax or unwind, replace alcohol with healthier coping mechanisms. Exercise, meditation, and spending time with loved ones are all great ways to cope with stress and cravings, and there are several alcohol-free functional beverage options to unwind at night too, such as drinks with melatonin or ashwagandha.

  6. Find alternatives to alcohol: There are many non-alcoholic drinks that can be just as enjoyable as alcoholic drinks. Try experimenting with different non-alcoholic beers, alcohol free wines, and zero proof cocktails. You can also try making your own mocktails at home. We list some of our favorites below.

  7. Don't be afraid to ask for help: If you find it difficult to quit alcohol on your own, there are many resources available to help you.

What To Do if You Slip Up During Sober October?

If you do slip up and drink alcohol during Sober October, don't beat yourself up about it. Just pick yourself up and start again the next day. Remember, every day without alcohol is a victory on your path to win Sober October.

Sober October is a great way to challenge your relationship with alcohol and improve your overall health and well-being. Be sure to celebrate your successes during the way to help you make it through the month. When you reach a milestone, such as one week or two weeks without alcohol, take the time to celebrate your success. This will help you stay motivated and keep moving forward. We have plenty of ways you can still enjoy cocktails and have your nightly drinks - without alcohol. Stock up so that you’ll have plenty on hand for when you’re in the mood for a beverage.

Celebrate Sober October with Non-Alcoholic Alternatives

Note: If you find it difficult to quit alcohol on your own, don't be afraid to ask for help. There are many people who want to see you succeed and Sober October may be just the challenge to get you the help you need.


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