13 Reasons Why To Try Non-Alcoholic Drinks This Friday

There are a lot of things people who are superstitious say you shouldn’t do on Friday the 13th. For example, don’t get in the car, cut your hair, wear black, get married, be born, or go out at night. We disagree with all of those but one thing we do agree with is DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL on Friday the 13th! You’re just asking for trouble if you do.

Why? It’s alcohol … the elixir of life, the social lubricant, the devil's juice. Alcohol may get a lot of buzz and be the star of parties or the go-to for celebrations, but the truth is, alcohol has a lot of drawbacks, especially if you’re trying to make a clean escape from a bad situation. In some people’s opinions, enough can already go wrong on Friday the 13th, so why add to the mix with 99 more problems? Sure, alcohol can be fun for some people. But it can also be expensive, unhealthy, and even dangerous (or just make you do something really really stupid - anyone know what we mean?). Non-alcoholic drinks are just as delicious and enjoyable as alcoholic drinks, but without all the negative side effects. And who needs anything scarier this Friday the 13th than waking up with a deathly hungover on Saturday?

Willing to try it? There really is a better way. A way to have all the fun of drinking without any of the drawbacks. That's why more and more people are switching to non-alcoholic drinks such as zero proof wines and non-alcoholic spirits or alcohol free beers and mocktails. Give it a try and if you change your mind on Saturday then all the power to you - you surely will feel better than you otherwise would have.

Reasons to Embrace Non-Alcoholic Drinks on Friday the 13th (or Any Day, Really)

  1. You can still be the life of the party. No one will even know that you're not drinking. Just hold a drink in your hand and dance the night away!

  2. You can drive home. No more worrying about getting a DUI or waiting forever for that ride to show up. You can safely drive home after a night out when you switch.

  3. You can finally remember what happened the night before. No more embarrassing stories or wondering how you got home. You'll be able to remember everything when you switch.

  4. You'll lose weight. Alcohol is high in calories and sugar, so it can contribute to weight gain. Switching to non-alcoholic drinks can help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

  5. You'll have more energy. Alcohol can dehydrate you and disrupt your sleep, which can lead to fatigue. Switching to non-alcoholic drinks will improve your sleep quality and increase your energy levels.

  6. You'll be more productive. Alcohol can impair cognitive function and make it difficult to concentrate. Switching to non-alcoholic drinks will improve your focus and productivity.

  7. You'll be healthier. Alcohol can damage your liver, heart, and brain. It can also contribute to other health problems, such as cancer and depression. Switching to non-alcoholic drinks will reduce your risk of developing these health problems.

  8. You'll be more alert. Alcohol can impair your judgment and coordination. Switching to non-alcoholic drinks will make you more alert and aware of your surroundings.

  9. You'll be more responsible. When you drink alcohol, you're more likely to make poor decisions. Switching to non-alcoholic drinks will help you make more responsible decisions.

  10. You'll be a better role model. If you have children or younger siblings, you're setting a role model for them. Switching to non-alcoholic drinks will show them that it's possible to have fun without drinking alcohol.

  11. You'll be more inclusive. Not everyone drinks alcohol for various reasons. Switching to non-alcoholic drinks will make social gatherings more inclusive for everyone.

  12. You'll have more control. When you drink alcohol, you're giving up control of your faculties. Switching to non-alcoholic drinks will give you more control over your thoughts, words, and actions.

  13. No hangover. Non-alcoholic drinks don't cause hangovers, so you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start your day when you switch.

Bonus: You won’t have to worry about cleaning up vomit or wondering where are your shoes or jacket. You’ll have made it out with all you brought with you.

In short, switching to non-alcoholic drinks this Friday is likely the best decision you'll ever make (this Friday, that is). So what are you waiting for? Give non-alcoholic drink options a try this Friday the 13th. Whether trying to outrun a guy with a chainsaw or just sleep better at night, there’s no time better than Friday to try non-alcoholic drinks. Cheers to a better tomorrow, without the hangover!

Shake Up Your Friday the 13th Routine with These Non-Alcoholic Libations

Going to a Halloween party or having one of your own? There are plenty of Halloween inspired non-alcoholic drink options to have on hand for your night. Stock up on these very on-theme drinks and surprise your guests with drinks that are full on flavor but free of regret. Cheers and happy haunting!


8 Non Alcoholic Cocktails & Drinks for Fall Fun


How Eliminating Alcohol Improves Mental Health Effects